This is part of an extension to the an existing retail park which would allow the construction of a drive-thru’ facility and a new restaurant. Several types of retention systems were considered from pre-cast L sections, Permacrib and Reinforced Soil Embankment. South Lanarkshire Council Roads Dept. required the access road above the retaining system to be to highway standards. Also, because the retaining system faces onto the main Glasgow Road, through East Kilbride, SLC wanted a “green” finish to the system.
The project
The installation of the Textomur Reinforced Soil system was to enable the construction of a level area behind the wall. This was to allow the new access road to the rear of the slope to be constructed, the buildings would then follow on.
Phi Group were directly involved with the Engineer’s for the Project at this stage. It was decided that Phi Group’s Textomur system would be the best solution. The Textomur slope is almost 5.0m in height at its highest point.
The challenge
To meet the Local Authority Roads Department requirements both from a technical point of view and also from an aesthetic point of view. There were also room issue at the top of the slope to get all the proposed buildings in and the required car parking facilities. Programming of the Textomur slope works were crucial to the overall programme of the works.
The solution
The Textomur Reinforced Soil System was considered the most technically acceptable and cost effective solution. The finished Textomur Reinforced Soil system is 75 lin m long with a face area over 300m2 with a maximum height of almost 5.0m. All designed, supplied and installed by Phi Group.